Guide 003: The ecommerce brand's guide to UX


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Guide 003: The ecommerce brand's guide to UX

What is UX? In a nutshell, UX (user experience) design dictates how visitors interact with and move through the site. Think of it as a website's blueprint – planning out the functionality and pathways to make an online experience intuitive and enjoyable.

In ecommerce, the UX directly impacts how customers explore your product range and how easily they move from discovery to purchase.

Great UX has the power to improve conversion, average cart value, customer retention, dwell time and SEO, while decreasing abandoned carts.

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Guide 003: The ecommerce brand's guide to UX

What is UX? In a nutshell, UX (user experience) design dictates how visitors interact with and move through the site. Think of it as a website's blueprint – planning out the functionality and pathways to make an online experience intuitive and enjoyable.

In ecommerce, the UX directly impacts how customers explore your product range and how easily they move from discovery to purchase.

Great UX has the power to improve conversion, average cart value, customer retention, dwell time and SEO, while decreasing abandoned carts.