
Studio Almond launch Blunt Umbrellas 2.0 on Shopify Plus

Alex Murton
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

We're excited to unveil our recent project for Blunt Umbrellas. Our partnership with Blunt Umbrellas has been a journey of collaboration.

The site has already won the UX, UI, Innovation and Special Kudos awards from CSS Design Awards and been listed as a finalist in the NZ Best Awards, and we are excited how the reception the site has received so far from customers, clients, and of course the Blunt team themselves.

Prior to diving into the project, our team had the opportunity to join an enlightening session at AUT with Blunt’s founder, Greg, who shared insights into the evolution of Blunt Umbrellas. This deep dive help us dig into their brand narrative and enriched our approach to the digital interpretation of the brand, ensuring a seamless and user-centric experience.

Here’s what the new site brings to the table:

Powered by Shopify Plus

Our choice of the Shopify Plus platform not only delivers a robust eCommerce solution but also offers scalability to accommodate Blunt Umbrellas' growing international presence.

Global Expansion

Recognising Blunt Umbrellas global appeal, we successfully rolled out dedicated stores for New Zealand, Australia, the UK, and the US - all in a whirlwind three-day launch period.

Content Showcase

Alongside its eCommerce capabilities, the site spotlights multiple 3D animation experiences, an extensive archive of past releases, and more, offering a deep dive into the Blunt Umbrellas legacy.

We're proud to contribute to the digital representation of such an iconic brand.

Discover the full experience here


Studio Almond launch Blunt Umbrellas 2.0 on Shopify Plus

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Studio Almond launch Blunt Umbrellas 2.0 on Shopify Plus